About Me

Alex Kruk

Hello, I’m Alex, a passionate fishing enthusiast since my childhood in Campinas, São Paulo’s countryside, where I grew up surrounded by beautiful lakes. My love for fishing began when, on an Easter holiday, my father and I decided to explore some lagoons in search of fish. It was in this enjoyable little adventure that I caught my first tilapia, an experience that deeply marked my life and sparked my fascination for the aquatic world.

As I grew older, this passion for fishing only grew stronger. As an adult, I was fortunate to make friends with other fishing enthusiasts who introduced me to fishing ponds and adventure expeditions, reigniting my love for the activity.

To make my fishing trips even more frequent and thrilling, I decided to invest in a kayak, which provided me the freedom to explore different locations without depending on rented boats or guides. By equipping it with both gasoline and electric outboard motors, I gained the ability to cover long distances without exhausting myself from paddling.

With all the experience accumulated over the years, I decided to share my knowledge, adventures, and equipment on a blog dedicated to fishing. My hope is to help many other enthusiasts fall in love with fishing and explore this wonderful universe that fascinates me so much.

Join me on this exciting journey, where we will explore rivers, lakes, and seas, unraveling the secrets of fish and nature. Fishing is more than just an activity for me; it is a passion that connects me with the serenity of nature and with people who share the same love for fishing. I hope this blog inspires and helps all fishing friends make the most of their aquatic adventures. Let’s fish together!

Some of my Fishing Trips:

Alto Mar – Cancun
Tucunaré Açu- Amazônia
Aruanã – Amazônia
Pesqueiro Monte Negro
Pesqueiro Xiko Karpa
Pesqueiro Maeda

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